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  現在位置 : 首頁 > 產品介紹 > 智慧型手機程式碼簽章憑證 Smartphone Code Signing
智慧型手機程式碼簽章憑證介紹 (Smartphone Code Signing)

  • Open Signed Online is for people who wish to test or deploy their application to a particular phone (based on a single phone IMEI identifier).
  • Open Signed Offline is for people who wish to test or deploy their application to particular phones (based on up to 1000 phone IMEI identifiers).
  • Express Signed allows for commercial deployment and requires an application to adhere to a series of functional and performance tests.
  • Certified Signed allows for commercial deployment and also requires the application to pass functional and performance tests through a Symbian Signed Test House.

請選擇,您想要購置的智慧型手機程式碼簽章憑證 CodeSigning for Symbain:
智慧型手機程式碼簽章憑證介紹 Codesigning for Symbian
相容性 支援Symbian Sign所有的認證
產品名稱 TC Publisher ID for Symbian

If any of the following statements apply to you then you do not need to use Symbian Signed for your application:

Developers with applications for the Nokia 9200 Series Communicator should continue to work with Nokia.OK to test and sign their products.

Features & Benefits

  • Official Symbian CodeSigning certificate
  • Valid for 1 year
  • Streamlined and proven application process
  • Trustworthy verification of applicants
  • Security and trust thanks to signed applications

With TC Publisher IDs and TC Content IDs for Symbian Signed, developers and test-houses can easily and cheaply sign Symbian applications or have them signed.

※購買TC Publisher ID for Symbian憑證後,需要對Symbian的軟體時,還須另外購置Content ID萊座簽章,一個Content ID只能簽一個軟體,TC Publisher ID可以使用一年。

※若您已經在Trust Center購買並且線上刷卡付款完成給TrustCenter, 寰宇數位將無法幫忙代理受理, 有任何問題都歡迎您來電詢問, 謝謝您~~

國際認證 利用此憑證簽章完成後,可再另外申請Symbian Signed的Express Signed的系統商之認證,簽此認證需額外再購置Content ID來做簽章,每個Content ID只能給予Symbian Signed簽章一次
續約方式 每年 (按年計算)


申請時間 最快3天內、正常7天


一年 18,750 8,500
購置Content ID數量價格:
1個 800
5個 3,800
10個 7,500
50個 36,800
100個 73,500
下載 / 線上申請

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