Note: In the interest of better security and the enablement of greater trust, we have decided that 1024-bit keys will now be the minimum strength used in the issuance of thawte digital certificates.
Here are the instructions to generate your private key and CSR in Netscape Commerce:
1. After you have installed Netscape Commerce server, start up the admin server and connect to it. 2. Select the server you want to run in secure mode and you will be presented with a page entitled "Netscape Server Manager - Commerce Server". 3. Under "Security Configuration" there is a link called "generate a key". 4. Select it and follow the instructions. This creates your private key. Next, select "request a certificate" to generate a CSR. 5. In the space where it asks for a Certificate authority enter your own email address. 6. A copy of the CSR will be mailed to you by the server - you can keep this for future reference.
When you have completed the form, submit it. The resulting page gives you your CSR. It looks like this: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIBujCCASMCAQAwejELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ0ExEzARBgNVBAgTClRFc3QgU3RhdGUx ETAPBgNVBAcTCENvbG9yYWR0MRswGQYDVQQKExJDYW5hZGlhbiBUZXN0IE9yZy4x EjAQBgNVBAsTCU9VIE9mZmljZTESMBAGA1UEAxMJd3d3LmV4LmNhMIGfMA0GCSqG SIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQD5PIij2FNa+Zfk1OHtptspcSBkfkfZ3jFxYA6y po3+YbQhO3PLTvNfQj9mhb0xWyvoNvL8Gnp1GUPgiw9GvRao603yHebgc2bioAKo TkWTmW+C8+Ka42wMVrgcW32rNYmDnDWOSBWWR1L1j1YkQBK1nQnQzV3U/h0mr+AS E/nV7wIDAQABoAAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQADgYEAAAhxY1dcw6P8cDEDG4UiwB0D OoQnFb3WYVl7d4+6lfOtKfuL/Ep0blLWXQoVpOICF3gfAF6wcAbeg5MtiWwTwvXR tJ2jszsZbpOuIt0WU1+cCYivxuTi18CQNQrsrD4s2ZJytkzDTAcz1Nmiuh93eqYw +kydUyRYlOMEIomNFIQ= -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
Copy your CSR from that page, and save it for future reference.
This is the CSR that you have to paste into the Thawte Server Certification request form during Step 2.