These instructions were submitted by the PowerWeb development team,, which can also be found on the web at
To generate a CSR for the PowerWeb series of secure web servers:
1. Point your browser at the /admin/powerpad.htm page on your server 2. Select the menu item "Certificate" under the "Security" column. 3. Select the sub-menu choice "Request a Server Certificate". 4. Fill in the form as prompted and press the "Offline Request" submit button. 5. Cut the text in the edit box (which is your CSR) and paste it into the Thawte online form.
For instructions to install the certificate on PowerWeb Server, follow the instructions at solution: vs27714
Note: In the interest of better security and the enablement of greater trust, we have decided that 1024-bit keys will now be the minimum strength used in the issuance of thawte digital certificates.