Note: In the interest of better security and the enablement of greater trust, we have decided that 1024-bit keys will now be the minimum strength used in the issuance of thawte digital certificates.
Zeus Server allows each of your virtual servers to have their own SSL certificates. This allows multiple secure sites to run on the same Zeus server. Each virtual server requires its own public and private certificates for secure communication. Secure certificates are added to a virtual server by clicking on the SSL Configuration link from the Edit Server page. The easiest way to configure SSL on your virtual server is to use the 'SSL Quick Setup' wizard. Click the 'SSL Quick Setup' button and fill in the form
You can configure your SSL server manually. You can use the cert tool ($ZEUSHOME/admin/bin/cert)or an equivalent tool like openssl to generate the keys and certificates.
Generating a private key:
$ $ZEUSHOME/admin/bin/cert -new -type private -keysize 1024 -out private.key Generating keys, this may take a few seconds Your new private key has been written to 'private.key'
Generating a certificate request:
$ $ZEUSHOME/admin/bin/cert -new -type request -key private.key -out cert.csr The following information is required to make up the certificate. Optional fields can be left blank by entering a '.' Country: GB State/Province : London Locality (town/city): Cambridge Organisation: Zeus Organisational Unit: Zeus Support Common Name (full DNS name of the machine): Your certificate request has been written to the file 'cert.csr'.
Generating a public certificate: $ $ZEUSHOME/admin/bin/cert -new -type public -key private.key -out public.cert The following information is required to make up the certificate. Optional fields can be left blank by entering a '.' Country: GB State/Province : London Locality (town/city): Cambridge Organisation: Zeus Organisational Unit: Zeus Support Common Name (full DNS name of the machine): Your new public certificate has been written to the file 'public.cert'.
Displaying the public certificate:
$ $ZEUSHOME/admin/bin/cert -in public.cert -text X509 Certificate: Certificate Info: Version: 00 Serial Number: 00 Signature Algorithm: md5withRSAEncryption Issuer: C=GB, ST=London, L=Cambridge, O=Zeus, OU=Zeus Support, Validity: Not Before: Mon, 15 May 2000 17:40:11 GMT Not After: Tue, 15 May 2001 17:40:11 GMT Subject: C=GB, ST=London, L=Cambridge, O=Zeus, OU=Zeus Support, Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryptionPublic Key: Modulus: c4:84:c7:63:36:e0:d4:52:fb:41:44:31:38:9b:91:5e:62: .... Exponent: 01:00:01 Signature Algorithm: md5withRSAEncryption Signature: 29:eb:c2:62:73:b8:b7:82:94:33:1f:da:9b:83:39:8b:75:1c:47:f5:41: ....