GeoTrust will email you your certificate. If the certificate is an attachment (Cert.cer), you can use the file. If the certificate is in the body of the email, copy and paste it into a text file (such as OriginalCert.txt) using Vi or Notepad. Do not use Microsoft Word or other word processing programs that may add characters. Confirm that there are no extra lines or spaces in the file.
- In the navigation pane, click Proxies.
- On Proxies screen, click the Install SSL Certificate Request tab. The Install SSL Certificate screen opens.
- In the Certfile Name box, enter the fully qualified domain name of the server with the file extension .crt. If you generated a temporary certificate when you submitted a request to GeoTrust, you can select the name of the certificate from the drop down list. This allows you to overwrite the temporary certificate with the certificate from GeoTrust.
- Paste the text of the certificate into the Install SSL Certificate window. Make sure you include the BEGIN CERTIFICATE line and the END CERTIFICATE line.
- Click Write Certificate File to install the certificate. After the certificate is installed, you can continue with the next step in creating an SSL gateway for the server.