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Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Generation Instructions - iPlanet Server

To generate a CSR, you will need to create a key pair for your server. These two items are a digital certificate key pair and cannot be separated. If you lose your public/private key file or your password and generate a new one, your SSL Certificate will no longer match. You will have to request a new SSL Certificate and may be charged.
Geotrust recommends that you contact the iPlanet vendor for additional information.

Step 1: Create a Key Database

  1. Select the server instance to manage and click Manage.
  2. Click Security
  3. Click Create Database
  4. Enter and confirm a password to protect this database.

Step 2: Generate a CSR

1. Click Request a Certificate 
a. Enter your email address as the CA Email address. Geotrust does not use this email for accepting certificates, so a copy will be emailed to you.
b. Enter a key pair file password to protect your keys. This can be the same password as the key database.
c. Fill out all of the CSR information, and click OK. 
This step will prompt for the following X.509 attributes of the certificate:

Country Name (C): Use the two-letter code without punctuation for country, for example: TW.
State or Province (S): Spell out the state completely; do not abbreviate the state or province name, for example: Taiwan
Locality or City (L): The Locality field is the city or town name, for example: Taipei.
Organization (O): If your company or department has an &, @, or any other symbol using the shift key in its name, you must spell out the symbol or omit it to enroll.
Example: XYZ Corporation
Organizational Unit (OU): This field is optional; but can be used to help identify certificates registered to an organization. The Organizational Unit (OU) field is the name of the department or organization unit making the request.
Common Name (CN): The Common Name is the Host + Domain Name. It looks like "www.ssl.com.tw" or "company.com".

Geotrust certificates can only be used on Web servers using the Common Name specified during enrollment. For example, a certificate for the domain "domain.com" will receive a warning if accessing a site named "www.domain.com" or "secure.domain.com", because "www.domain.com" and "secure.domain.com" are different from "domain.com".

2. The server will generate the CSR and display it on the page. To copy and paste the information into the enrollment form, open the file in a text editor that does not add extra characters (Notepad or Vi are recommended).
3. Click Apply to commit the changes. You have just created a key pair and a CSR.
4. Copy and past the CSR onto the enrollment pages on the Global Digital website

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